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Stratford's Canal Basin in the Bancroft Gardens
Stratford's Canal Basin in the Bancroft Gardens
Boating on the River Avon
Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon
The River Avon is used throughout the year for a rich variety of activities. It is a lively scene where people of all ages can enjoy the various boating and strolling activities.


The river meets the canal basin at the Bancroft Gardens. Many simply sit by the side of the river watching all the activities.


During the summer a frantic river race takes place, where craft's of all types partcipate to 'struggle' down the river on rafts, canoes, home-made boats, all supported by the local clubs and individuals in aid of local charities.


The Boathouse on the AvonIt is possible to hire a range of crafts: rowing boats, small motor boats, where you can explore the river for quite a way. Canal boats can also navigate thye river, where downstream are locks allowing them to avoid the weirs and pass downstream to Bidford and Evesham.


If you would like to simply enjoy the delights of the river and let someone else take the responsibility, you have jump aboard the cruise boat or even the indulge in the evening cruise and dinner boat. 


There are walks along the river and an excellent and peaceful walk down alongside the weeping willows, over the river and around the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Click here for a fuller description of the Riverside Walk
Riverbank Walk - Access Guide
disability key disability keyThis walk was especially designed for those with visual impairments, but can be enjoyed by anyone. A trail is marked by reference posts which are numbered in both tactile signs and Braille. Cassettes describing the walk, can be hired free of charge from the Butterfly Farm, to help guide visitors along the path. The walk follows along the Tramway Path and then into the recreation grounds. There is an option to carry along towards the locks and Lucy’s Mill.
Swan's Nest Lane - situated next to the Butterfly Farm
The River Avon is used throughout the year for a rich variety of activities. It is a lively scene where people of all ages can enjoy the various boating and strolling activities.


The river meets the canal basin at the Bancroft Gardens. Many simply sit by the side of the river watching all the activities.


During the summer a frantic river race takes place, where craft's of all types partcipate to 'struggle' down the river on rafts, canoes, home-made boats, all supported by the local clubs and individuals in aid of local charities.