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A Walk along The River Avon
A Walk along The River Avon

Local Walks around Stratford

There are many walks starrting and finishing in Stratford town centre which will allow you to many rural delights we know we have on our doorstep.
Walking Information for Stratford Walks
Walk by Grades 
Riverside Walk along the River Avon

Needless to say you will find "local watering holes" for you along your walk. 



You may of course simply wish to take a short stroll through these historic country lanes and paths.



If you wish to stay in the area and would like to pre-book your accommodation then why not check out Where to Stay in and around Stratford-upon-Avcon or similarly if you just to wish to enjoy a meal or a drink in one of the many hostelries in the area then why not check out Eating Out.