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The River Avon and Trinity Church in the distance
The River Avon and Trinity Church in the distance

Walking Information for Stratford Walks

Our walks are set both around the town and further out into the neighbouring countryside, making use of riverside walks using  The Greenway.   Some of the walks are circular walks and you may even pick up guided walks in Stratford-upon-Avon, please enquire for details at the Tourist Information Centre.
The walks are graded in terms of difficulty with estimated completion time given, enabling you to select the walk to suit you and the time you have available.

In addition to the OS Map References given are details of the applicable Landranger Maps you will need access to.

When walking we would ask that you help the farmers who work the land. Take pride in assisting to protect the peace and beauty you will find on these walks by following The Country Code.

Please make yourself familiar with the waymarker signs before setting out.


For your own health and safety we have included A Safe Walking Code of Practice.


The Countryside Code: A Safe Walking Code:
  • Enjoy the countryside & respect its life & work
  • Guard against all risk of fire
  • Fasten all gates
  • Keep your dogs under close control
  • Keep to public paths across farmland
  • Use gates & stiles to cross fences, hedges & walls
  • Leave livestock, crops & machinery alone
  • Take your litter home with you
  • Help to keep all water clean
  • Protect wildlife, plants and trees
  • Take special care on country roads
  • Make no unnecessary noise
  • Plan your journey
  • Inform someone of your intended route
  • Take note of the local weather forecast
  • Check you have the correct map
  • Ensure you have a torch, a compass and a small First Aid Kit
  • Wear the correct clothing, and carry waterproofs in your rucksack
  • Take refreshments to combat hunger, fatigue and dehydration
  • Make sure you have some cash available for the telephone or transport