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General Sports Clubs

If you wish to have your club or association listed within this section please do not hesitate to contact Quinsolve Limited

Sports ClubsThe Choices (links in blue)
Dave Jones
17 Evesham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon - Tel: 01789 293950
Daily tickets can be obtained for coarse fishing from the Water Bailiffs opposite the Theatre; Water Authority Licences may be obtained from Dave (details above).
Grand National Archery Society
NAC Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh - Tel: 02476 696631
Archery Centre
Stratford Hockey Club
Stratford on Avon Sports Club, Swan's Nest Lane, Tel: 01789 296629
T'ai Chi Classes
The Gymnasium, Stratford High School, Alcester Road. Tel: 01926 313686
Thursday evenings 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Beginners welcome at all times, all welcome to join in - ask for Becky Hodge
Warwickshire School of Traditional Karate, Sandy Lane, Leamington Spa
Adventure Sports
Wedgnock Rifle Range, Wedgnock Lane, Warwick, Tel: 01926 491948
For a vast range of adventure sports i.e., claypigeon shooting, 4x4 safari, human table football etc